On the weekend closest to May 5th, a Cinco De Mayo festival is held. The event actually begins on Saturday with the crowning of the Cinco De Mayo Queen and entertainment which is often a professional folkloric ballet team from Chihuahua, Mexico. The group specializes in different traditional styles of Mexican folk dancing which showcase culture, heritage and traditions. Sunday’s events begin with a parade and then later, the festival which includes introduction of the queen, a jalapeno eating contest, entertainment, music, food and much more.. 810 Stadium Road, Weekend closest to May 5th, Phone: 620-417-4043.
Always on Shrove or Fat Tuesday, International Pancake Day is Liberal’s first big celebration of the year. The four-day festival starts on Saturday with cooking, eating and flipping contests. A new Miss Liberal is crowned on Sunday and often there is a concert of Christian music. Monday evening features talent from all over the area competing for money and trophies at Liberal High School. International Pancake Day itself starts with, of course, a pancake breakfast followed by races, a Shriving Service, live web chat with the folks from Olney, England and a parade. Saturday through Shrove Tuesday, Phone: 620-624-6423.
Duck Festival & United Way Cook-Off
This festival is held in September, at Light Park and is a fundraising event for the Liberal Chamber of Commerce. Adopt A Duck for a chance to win cash prize! Cook-off, Cornhole Contest, Firemen’s Water Fight, Archery Tag. Business booths, Bouncy house, Food, Corporate trike races and more! You can get your ducks at…Chamber office, Southern Office Supply or any business with a “Ducks sold here’ sign! For more information please contact the Liberal Chamber of Commerce at 620-624-3855.
The Liberal Culture Festival is held the second Saturday of October, it’s an excellent opportunity for locals and visitors alike to experience the city’s diverse cultural heritage. The festival is held at the Activity Center and offers a range of activities that showcase the unique traditions of different communities, including music and dance performances, cultural exhibits, and food stalls. By educating, celebrating, and honoring each culture, the council hopes to create a more inclusive and harmonious society where diversity is celebrated and appreciated.
Ozfest is an exciting and entertaining festival that takes place bi annually on the 3rd Saturday of October. It is a celebration of the timeless classic “The Wizard of Oz” and is held at the official home of Dorothy Gale. The event offers a day full of fun and excitement with live entertainment, games, and costume contests, as well as plenty of delicious food to enjoy. Whether you’re a lifelong fan of “The Wizard of Oz” or just looking for a fun way to spend a fall day, Ozfest is sure to be a great time.